Weigh Packager is used for accurately weighing and packaging materials

Weigh Packager Assists Value-Add @

  • Accurate weighing: Ensures each package contains the correct amount of product.

  • High packaging speed: Increases production efficiency.
  • Consistent packaging quality: Maintains uniformity and integrity of packages.
  • Cost savings: Reduces labor costs and material waste.
Components of Weigh Packager -

Structure Parts

Principle for Better –


Drum Peeler - SnLuck
  • Conveying materials fed into the machine’s weighing system.

  • Fill set weigh materials into the packaging bag clipped held in place.
  • Sealing device seals the bag to complete the packaging process.
Easy Use of Weigh Packager -


Integration with Filling Systems Package Snluck Industry
  • 1
    Before operation, check the machine for proper connection and calibration.
  • 2

    Screen-touch to set the desired weight and packaging parameters on the control panel.

  • 3
    Conveying load the packaging materials and ensure the feeding system is working smoothly.
  • 4

    Button-push to start the machine and monitor the packaging process for any errors or malfunctions.

  • 5
    Replace packaging materials and perform routine maintenance as needed.
  • 6

    Discharge & clean the machine and store it properly.

Practical Use Builds Reliable Equipment –

Standard Model

Practics Makes Perfect –

Projects & Plans with SnLuck

Ginger & Turmeric Powder Making Project Introduction by Snluck Industry.

Herb Powder Making Project Introduction by Snluck Industry.

Mango Dehydrating Project Introduction by Snluck Industry

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Coffee beans drying project equipment introduction by Snluck Industry.

Coco drying project equipment introduction by Snluck Industry.

Chili Pepper Dehydrating Project Introduction by Snluck Industry

cassava drying project equipment introduction by Snluck Industry.

Banana Chunks Dehydrating Project by Snluck Industry

Apricot Dehydrating Project Introduction by Snluck Industry

Apple drying project equipment introduction by Snluck Industry.

Coffee beans drying project equipment introduction by Snluck Industry.